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Hello! I’m Derin.

It’s a Turkish name and it means “deep” in English.

As far as I know, my journey started in Burgaz Island, Istanbul as my parents were visiting for Christmas. You know what, I already started making my first moves and I can’t wait to say hello to the world at NYP Weill Cornell Hospital, New York in about …

My very first travel was flying back to New York from Istanbul. My parents weren't even aware of me.

: )

Early beginnings

Against all odds, I was passionate enough to come to this point. Yet, I look more like a reptile than a human being.

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My very first photo

This is the very first picture of me. I was about 6 weeks and 6 days old.

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; )

First profile picture

I'm growing very fast and now reached at 13 weeks. Yes, that's my nose.

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Growing fast

It has only been 3,5 months though look how much progress I've made.

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: )

My first 3D picture

Look how big I am now! Still 5 months to go.

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First measurements

My doctor wanted to make sure everything is going well.

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19 Weeks!

This is my latest photo. Still waiting for a new photoshoot when I'll be at about 32 weeks.

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; )

Handsome me

Look how handsome I am.

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